
Managing Articles

CarePro articles are static pages of content that you would like to create to add information to your portal. Typically, you would use them to create pages like 'About Us', 'Vision', 'Mission' etc. Articles can be placed on the navigation menu for easy location by your visitors.

To manage your articles, click on the 'Content'-'Articles'-'Manage Articles' menu option

The list of existing articles will be displayed. To create a new article, click on the 'Add New' button

This opens the article creation page

The fields on this page are described below:

  1. Title: This is the main heading of the article as it would appear on your site.

    This will also be used as the browser title if the 'Meta Title' field is left blank
  2. Content: This will hold the text content of the article
  3. Slug: This is the Url identifier for the article e.g. htttps:// You can safely leave this blank and it will be generated automatically from the article title you specify.
  4. Meta Title: This contains the browser title for the article. If left blank, the article title will be used instead. This field is especially useful for Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
  5. Meta Description: This Contains the page description visible to search engines. The content of this field will not be visible while viewing the article in the browser but is very useful when optimizing the page for search engines.
  6. Enabled: Specify if the article can be viewed or not.

Click on the 'Create' button when done.

Managing Blog Posts

CarePro comes with a blogging feature that enables you maintain an easy to use blog on your portal. The blog comes with categories and scheduling posts.

Managing Blog Categories

Blog posts can be organized into categories. It is recommended that you create your blog categories first before you start creating posts. To manage your categories, go to 'Content-'Blog'-'Manage Categories'

This brings up the list of existing categories

To add a new category, click on the 'Add New' button

Fill in the name and sort order of the category. The sort order is a number that determines the position of the category on the blog listing page in ascending order.

Managing Posts

Blog posts are news-like entries that you add continuously to your site. To manage your blog posts, click on the 'Content'-'Blog'-'Manage Posts' option

This brings up the list of all blog posts.

This list shows the title of the post and its publish date. It also shows if the post is enabled or not. Disabled posts are not visible on the frontend.

Click on the 'Add New' button to create a new post

Each field presented on this form is described below:

  1. Title: This is the main title of the blog post
  2. Content: This is the main content of the blog post
  3. Published on: This is the date you want the post to go live. Please note that if you set a future date as the publish date, then the post will not be visible on the frontend until that date.
  4. Categories: Select the categories that this post should belong to. You need to have already created the category as described above. You can assign a post to multiple categories.
  5. Enabled: Specify if the post should be visible or not.You would usually make a post disabled if you are still working on its content.
  6. Cover Image: Select an image from your computer that will serve as the main image displayed for this post on the blog listing page.
  7. Meta Title: This is the browser page title for this post. If left blank, the post's title will be used. This field is especially useful for search engine optimization purposes.
  8. Meta Description: This is the internal description for this post visible to search engines. This field is useful for search engine optimization.
Click on the 'Create' button to add your new post.
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